Welcome to your new home in the Avenues and Pearson Park Conservation Area.

The Avenues and Pearson Park Residents’Association (APPRA), exists to help retain the unique character of the area and to support the strong community spirit within it. 

The Association’s committee hold monthly meetings, which are open to all.  We produce a newsletter three times a year, delivered to your door, which you can also find on our website. 

We invite you to participate in our community activities – Open Gardens (held in July), Advent Windows & Carol Singing at Christmas, and fundraising for a replica fountain on Victoria Avenue.


We deliver a welcome pack to each new house owner.  If you're a new resident, please let us know and we'll deliver a welcome pack to your house.

Please email Sally to let us know:  sally@lobster.karoo.co.uk

This pack contains information on the Residents’ Association and on the City Council’s planning regulations in force in The Avenues and Pearson Park Conservation Area, as well as a 35-page colour booklet (with many photographs) giving information on the architecture of the houses and guidance on how to renovate them in keeping with their traditional character.

The information sheets in the pack are listed below:
1) Welcome to your new home: introduction to the area and to the resident’s association
2) What you need to know about planning controls and regulations
3) Conservation Areas: Advice and Guidance, a Hull City Council publication (only in the pack delivered to your house, but available online from HCC)
4) Heritage Guidance: Windows, a Hull City Council publication (only in the pack delivered to your house, but available online from HCC)

Please note that the colour booklet, produced by APPRA is of the Avenues only. It is not posted on this website for reasons of size.